Summary of the results (text): [English: Download] [Romanian: Download]
Scientific Reports: [Scientific Report I (2020): Download] [Scientific Report II (2021): Download] [Scientific Report I (2022): Download]
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Horodnic IA, Williams CC, Windebank J, Zaiț A, Ciobanu CI. (2021). Explaining consumer motives to purchase in the informal economy. PLoS ONE, 16(10): e0258686.
Horodnic IA, Williams CC, Maxim A, Stoian IC, Țugulea OC, Horodnic AV. (2021). Knowing and Unknowing Purchases of Undeclared Healthcare Goods and Services: The Role of Vertical and Horizontal Trust. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,18(21):11561.
Horodnic IA, Ciobanu CI, Zaiț A, Williams CC. (2022). Who Purchases From the Informal Economy and Why? Frontiers in Psychology, 13: 940076.
Horodnic IA, Williams CC, Țugulea O, Stoian Bobâlcă IC. (2022). Exploring the Demand-Side of the Informal Economy during the COVID-19 Restrictions: Lessons from Iași, Romania. Sustainability, 14(12): 7228.
Mațcu M, Zaiț A, Ianole-Călin R, Horodnic IA. (2022, Early Access). Undeclared activities on digital labour platforms: an exploratory study. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Early Access.
Horodnic IA, Williams CC, Chițac I. (2022, accepted). Evaluating the relationship between sustainable development, localisation and the informal economy: evidence from Romania. Eastern Journal of European Studies.
Horodnic IA, Williams CC, Apetrei A, Mațcu M, Horodnic AV (2022, under review). Services purchase from the informal economy using digital platforms. Service Industries Journal.
Policy Brief
Horodnic IA, Zaiț A, Ciobanu CI, Maxim A, Mațcu M. (2021). Cash-in-hand consumer culture: a demand side analysis of the informal economy (in Romanian). Policy Brief no. 1. | DOWNLOAD |
Mațcu M., Horodnic IA (2022). Cash-in-hand consumer culture: a demand side analysis of the informal economy (in Romanian). Policy Brief no. 2. | DOWNLOAD |
Conferences / Seminars / Round Tables / Summer Schools
Hidden Economy in the Western Balkans: Challenges and Lessons for Economic Recovery and Convergence, Webinar, Southeast Europe Leadership for Development and Integrity (SELDI), 20 November 2020 [participants: Claudia Ioana Ciobanu, Ioana Alexandra Horodnic, Adriana Zait; online]
Round Table - Training Session 6 - Northeast Region, FGS Familia, 25 November 2021 [Ioana Alexandra Horodnic - invited speaker]
11th ASECU Youth International Conference and Summer School, 3.09.2022 - 11.09.2022, Nitra, Slovacia [Mara Mațcu - How to tackle informal economy mediated via digital labour platforms for a sustainable economic growth. A demand-side approach]
XIX International Conference on Business, Economics, Law, Language & Psychology, 28 - 29 September 2022, Lisbon, Portugal [Mara Mațcu - How to Tackle Informal Purchases Mediated through Digital Labour Platforms?]
Research Mobilities
Tugulea O – research visit, Universidad Catolica di Valencia, Valencia, Spain (8.06.2021-16.06.2021)
Mațcu M – course/training “Erasmus Academic Writing and Presentation Skills week”, Atlantic Language Galway, Galway, Ireland (22.11.2021-26.11.2021)
Mațcu M – Radboud Summer School (Social Research Methods: Social Science Measurement: Designs, Models and Strategies), Nijmegen, Netherlands (18.06.2022-26.06.2022)
Horodnic IA – research visit, Catholic University of Valencia San Vicente Martir Valencia, Valencia, Spain (19.08.2022 – 7.09.2022)
Horodnic IA – research visit, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Suceava, Romania (19.09.2022 – 26.09.2022)
Mațcu M – research visit, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania (6.10.2022-10.10.2022)
Mațcu M – research visit, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania (13.10.2022-17.10.2022)
Worksops / Trainings organised for the research team
Workshop/Training Session 1: aimed at ensuring a full theoretical framework on informal economy (16 August 2021)
Workshop/Training Session 2: aimed at discussing preliminary results obtained after data collection (qualitative data) and to discuss the theoretical and policy implications (17 August 2021)
Workshop/Training Session 3: aimed at improving academic writing skills of the participants and setting a good strategy to publish in international academic journals (20 August 2021)