Research Team Members

Ioana Alexandra HORODNIC
Project Leader
Ioana Alexandra Horodnic is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi in Romania. Dr Horodnic has been doing research in the field of informal economy since 2014, subject on which she published more than 50 papers. Beside articles in peer-reviewed prestigious journals, books and book chapters which received recognition from different institutions (Emerald Literati Awards - 2018 and 2017 Outstanding Paper Awards, prizes from the Romanian Academy, from the Romanian Ministry of Education and Scientific Research, and from the Association of Faculties of Economics from Romania), her list of publications includes reports and policy papers. She is committed to undertake policy relevant research and to transfer the research results to policy makers. She has recently completed a two-year Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship evaluating different approaches to tackling undeclared work in the European Union and currently, she leads two research projects investigating both the demand and the supply side of the informal economy. In addition, at the moment, she is a member of the international research team providing support to the European Platform Tackling Undeclared Work and a labour market expert for the European Centre of Expertise in the field of labour law, employment and labour market policies (ECE).

Adriana ZAIÈš
Experienced Researcher
Adriana ZaiÈ› is Professor in the Department of Management, Marketing and Business Administration and the Head of the Doctoral School of Economics and Business Administration within Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. She has over 30 years of teaching and research experience (since 1990), in the disciplines of marketing, service marketing and non-profit marketing, public relations, business research methods, intercultural management, marketing and educational management. Her credentials include: i) “Petre S. Aurelian” Award of the Romanian Academy, for the book “Economic Equilibrium or Disequilibrium”, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi Publishing House (2002); ii) Principal Investigator or Team Member in seven projects; iii) PhD Coordinator in Marketing, since 2007 (22 PhD students supervised); iv) Managerial and evaluation experience: ARACIS, CNATDCU (vice-president of the Economic Sciences Commission, president of the Economic Sciences Appeals Commission), CNCSIS - UEFISCDI (project evaluator), expert for eight POSDRU and POCU projects; v) Multicultural experience gained through research and teaching internships in France (Paris, Lille and Grenoble), Spain (Palma de Mallorca), Italy (Genoa), Ireland (Dublin), Germany (Konstanz - DAAD and Erasmus), Austria (visiting professor Lauder Business School - Vienna).

Claudia Ioana CIOBANU
Claudia-Ioana Ciobanu completed her doctoral studies at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Doctoral School of Economics, in the field of Marketing in 2012. Currently, she is a Lecturer at Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services at CMTM—Economics and Marketing Department in Romania. She has published more than 20 research papers on: Informal Economy, Service Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Relationship Marketing, Financial Evaluation, Communication and Negotiation in Business, B2B Marketing, Client Services for Market Property, Financial Analysis for Real Estate Investment and Real Estate Entrepreneurship. These articles were presented at international or national conferences and are indexed in BDI and Web of Science database. In addition, she has practical experience of over ten years in the economics field as a business and management consultant for multinational companies and private Romanian companies. She also participated as a collaborator in four projects financed from European funds.

Alexandru MAXIM
Alexandru Maxim is an Associate Professor in the Department of Management, Marketing and Business Administration of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania. Dr Maxim has a PhD in Marketing focused on the energy sector and has previously worked for GE Energy Europe. He has lead two research projects, focused on energy security and the willingness of household consumers to pay for green electricity. He has also led, coordinated or been a key staff member in ten national and international research and education projects in the fields of sustainable development, environmental services and EU policies (including Jean Monnet Actions, Horizon 2020, COST Actions). Dr. Maxim has published over 25 papers, one book and two international book chapters on the research topics listed above. The University of Milan, the Association of Faculties of Economics in Romania and Clarivate Analytics have awarded distinctions to Dr. Maxim in recognition of the research published and its visibility. Other research and educational interests: Consumer Behaviour, Supply Chain Management, Price strategies, Choice modelling.

Iuliana Claudia STOIAN
Iuliana Claudia Stoian is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania. She is interested in qualitative and quantitative research in Marketing field: Consumer Behaviour, Corporate Social Responsibility and Strategic Marketing. She published three books and 60 research papers (among which 14 articles are published in ISI Proceedings or Journals in Web of Science). Dr. Stoian presented her research results on 45 national and international prestigious conferences and coordinates students’ research papers, both for Bachelor and Master degree. She was a member of five research projects and coordinated two other research grants, as a principal investigator. Regarding teaching activity, Iuliana Claudia Stoian is focused on qualitative research and teaches courses and seminars on this topic, for master and doctoral students. She benefited from Erasmus exchange programs and research scholarships at international universities, having the opportunity to learn new ways of approaching and teaching marketing research and also to share her research experience with foreign teachers and researchers.

Oana Carmen ÈšUGULEA
Oana-Carmen Èšugulea is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania. She is interested in Direct Marketing, CRM, quantitative research, Tourism Marketing and Advertising. Her activity is divided between research and teaching activities. From the research perspective, Oana Tugulea published around 50 research papers out of which 12 articles are published in ISI Proceedings or Journals in Web of Science. Oana Tugulea presented her research results at over 40 national and international conferences. She also coordinates students’ research papers, both for bachelor and master’s degree. She was a member of five research projects and coordinated two research grants, as a principal investigator. From the teaching activity perspective, Oana Tugulea is focused on Direct Marketing, Tourism Marketing and Advertising and teaches courses and seminars on this topic for bachelor and master students. With the Erasmus and research scholarships at international universities, she had the opportunity to embrace new approaches on teaching marketing subjects.

Alina Alexandra GOROVEI (November 2020 - October 2021)
PhD Student
Alina Alexandra Gorovei is a Marketing PhD student in the third year, coordinated by Prof. Adriana ZaiÈ›, at the Faculty or Economics and Business Administration of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, from Iasi, Romania. Alina graduated in Communication and Public Relations after which she decided to pursue a master’s degree in Public Relations and Advertising. Soon after that, she realized that she is a technical person and the IT domain would be more suitable for her, so she switched the domain. Currently, she works as a Software Tester and continuously improves her skills by learning C# programming and Automation testing. Alina managed to combine the life as a Software Tester with her passion for research and started a PhD in marketing with the purpose of studying the employee’s happiness in the IT industry. Her interests are internal and external marketing, CSR programs, employee happiness, productivity and the internet of things and hopes that by the end of the PhD program she will find the recipe for happiness.

Mara MAÈšCU (November 2021 - October 2022)
PhD Student
Mara MaÈ›cu is a 1st year Marketing PhD student at the Doctoral School of Economics and Business Administration of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from IaÈ™i, Romania. She is coordinated by associate professor Ioana Alexandra Horodnic. Mara has a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Communication Science and a master’s degree in Marketing and Business Communication. She is currently working as a data analyst for a company in IaÈ™i, where she analyzes databases in SPSS Statistics. She is also teaching marketing, public relations and consumer behavior seminars at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration in IaÈ™i. Mara is interested in macromarketing, social marketing, responsible marketing, moral responsibility in marketing, business ethics, influencer marketing, informal economy, public relations and consumer behavior.